One of my goals for the next few months is to go back to my doctor (or visit a naturopath) to figure out exactly what supplements I need to be at optimum health. I take a multivitamin and now Vitamin D, the aforementioned green powders, and have been eating a tablespoon of flaxseed per day. I know there are many other supplements though which are important for women and I want to make sure I'm getting enough: zinc, iron, calcium, etc. If anyone has visited a homeopathic doctor, I'd love to hear about your experience.
Other thoughts. I discovered www.iherb.com, which is fabulous. I was able to make a few additional product switches easily with free shipping and pretty fast delivery: I switched my mouth wash to Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil mouthwash (also using Desert Essence floss), am looking into Green Beaver as an alternative toothpaste brand w/o flouride, am experimenting with Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Hemp Tea Tree castille soap as a facial cleanser, and Thayer's witch hazel toner as a moisturizer. To be honest, the hardest transition thus far has been my face - every product I've tried has resulted in really unhappy skin (is it the detox? is it just clogged pores? hard to say). My skin is very sensitive and a lot of the oils and creams have been too heavy, regardless of the fact that the ingredients are simple. I'm feeling optimistic about the witch hazel though - it doesn't appear to be drying my skin out or sitting too heavily. I'll update later once I've been using it longer. The nice thing: with both Dr. Bronner's liquid soap and the witch hazel, a little goes a long way! these will definitely last. Also, still using coconut oil as my moisturizer and I love love love it. Feels amazing.
Shelli and I had our last physical therapy session tonight before she leaves town for a few months. I now have 3 different routines to alternate between, all of which will continue to kick my butt daily while she's gone: side planks, forearm planks, cardio boxing, lunges. The list goes on. My MMA gloves came in the mail today and I'm just waiting for the mitts before I can start the boxing routines. Strength is an intoxicating feeling - I can practically feel my muscles humming and can't wait for yoga class tomorrow. :) 2012 is the year I plan to be stronger than I've ever been before. Who wants to join me?!
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